Friday, November 22, 2013

Juggling Jobs

So during the times when I am not making food or going on a weekend excursion, I am usually at work. As I have gotten adjusted to the new area, my work schedule has evolved, and I am pretty happy with how it has turned out.

My main title is Reading and Writing Teacher at an after-school learning center. I love what I do here. Children come in excited to read new books, and I function as an editor and writing instructor for kids of all ages. These students may be behind, on par, or ahead of their grade level, but they all want to learn and improve so it makes for a great atmosphere. Recently my center decided to add some weekend workshops on topics we usually don't have time to cover, and I have been placed in charge of creating and leading a series of creative writing workshops. It is a joy and a challenge!

SAT tutor is another one of my titles. When I first moved I taught a class 2 nights a week, way far away, and at late hours. It was good experience working in front of a classroom, but the schedule was not the greatest. A problem with teaching courses like these is that low enrollment can cause a course cancellation a few days before you are set to start teaching. For that reason I have stepped back from that a little and remain available to proctor the occasional weekend practice test or substitute for another tutor.

The lack of SAT time left an opening for something else in my life, so I decided to look in to volunteering. I looked online and found Volunteer Match, a website that lead me to Reading Partners. This organization works with children who are reading below grade level and through a structured curriculum helps students gain reading confidence and competency. I am pleased to have found this program where I can learn firsthand how children acquire reading skills while making a huge difference in individual lives. Sometimes a system can seem hopeless, but helping just a few and seeing change on an individual level brings me hope for a better future. I know I sound sappy, but I have found my passion in promoting literacy.

I just thought I would share a little with everyone about the other activities going on in my life. At some point I may post a few writing exercises for kids that I have developed at my primary job, and now you'll know where they are coming from! I hope all is well in your life, and I encourage you to find a cause you are passionate about.


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