I started this blog in August with no real plan other than to start writing. As a combination perfectionist-procrastinator, I love to organize and plan the perfect project to the point where I won't start if I'm not sure I can achieve my vision. This makes it difficult to get things done. I feel the worst for all my empty journals that are waiting for a consistent theme, groundbreaking ideas, or calligraphy lessons to have their pages filled. So I decided to finally take the leap and start a blog (years later) with no theme other than I've graduated! Now what...
You may notice that a large portion of my blog is recipes. That is not the intentional direction of this blog, but it seems unavoidable. I grew up around my mom cooking, and in college I caught the cooking bug myself. I was incredibly picky when I was little, and, now that I no longer turn my nose up at nearly everything, I have a lot of foods and flavors to catch up on! Crafts, travel, and outdoor adventures make up most of my other posts. Some time soon I would like to have weekly featured topics/posts, but for now that is still in the development phase.
E and I on our first Disney getaway. |
Since August: I settled into life in DC/Maryland and married my best friend (He shall now be referred to as E. It was driving me crazy using a pronoun without an antecedent!). Life as a military and medical school spouse has been an exciting change that's brought many wonderful friends my way. My English degree is being put to good use helping kids with reading and writing, and my part-time gig has just turned into a full-time job! These next few months should be
interesting as I juggle grownup duties and make time for fun. And if all goes well, I might be traveling outside the country this summer. Stay tuned. : )
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