Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Weekly Meal Planning

This is a short post to share my weekly meal planning method with you in case your kitchen or fridge needs more organization.

On Saturday or Sunday I sit down with my sweetie and discuss food for the upcoming week since the weekend is the best time for us to go shopping. I scroll through Pinterest, flip through cookbooks, and rack my brain for tasty recipes that are healthy and/or easy to prepare and am aided by some helpful input from my husband. We then order our dinners according to who will be home what evenings and can cook what. The most important part of this plan is that we stick with the schedule once it is set in place. There is usually a built in day for leftovers, so if changes arise, we can push things up or back a day, but overall we make everything we plan to cook that week.

This has worked really well for our schedules and has helped us use all the fresh food we buy. I hate throwing away food because I forgot about it or never got around to making anything with it. The index card on the fridge helps keep us organized and well-fed. At the end of the week, I take it down and replace it with a new menu card. I have a designated drawer where I am stashing all the old note cards, so we can review those for recipes we enjoyed and would like to make again.

Let me know your meal-planning strategies!


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