Monday, October 28, 2013

NaNoWriMo 2013

Is anyone else gearing up for National Novel Writing Month? For the past few years I have been telling myself, "Oh, I will definitely sign up for that next November." Mhmm. I am pleased to say that I have finally made an account and plan on trying the 50,000 word challenge starting this Friday! I am toying with a few potential story ideas and am interested to see which one I will run with. Wish me luck. : ) Hopefully, having to write a consistent amount each day will help me break down my deeply entrenched habit of procrastination.



  1. This sounds like a fun idea! I don't think I've heard of this challenge before, but good luck! and It sounds like you had a blast when you went back home for your reception! Btw, I answered your question on my blog, check it out when you get a minute. Hope it helps!

  2. Thanks! I am excited to try your crochet project. I need something new to work on while I hunt for more yarn.
