Friday, September 6, 2013

Awesome Asparagus

I seem to be on a vegetable kick as of late. During recent grocery visits, I have actually heard the produce section call my name. Here are some simple instructions on how to make phenomenal asparagus with minimal effort.

Asparagus Tips:

-Do not pick out the biggest stalks you can find. The more slender ones are the way to go.
-No knives are necessary. Hold both ends of asparagus spear and bend gently. The bottom part that snaps off can be discarded.


-bundle of asparagus
-1-2 Tbsp of olive oil (just eyeball it)
-a pinch of salt and pepper
-a handful of shredded Parmesan (it is up to you to quantify a handful of cheese)


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees.
2. Oil up your asparagus.
[If you don't mind getting messy, the easiest way to do this is set your (clean!) hand on a plate where you have poured your Tbsp of olive oil and coat the stalks with the olive oil on your hand. I think this uses less olive oil than rolling the stalks around on a plate, and you will be able to make sure all the asparagus is thoroughly coated.]
3. Set out asparagus on a baking sheet.
4. Lightly sprinkle salt and pepper over asparagus.
5. Artfully sprinkle cheese until you are satisfied.
6. Put baking sheet in the oven for 8 minutes at 350.
7. Pull out and serve alongside dinner!

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