Friday, March 21, 2014

My First 5K

I have never been much of a finisher. I have tons of big ideas which are great for starting projects, but somewhere along the way I lose focus and my dedication dwindles. This happened again with my running goals. Over the summer I began Couch to 5K and loved it. The program provided the perfect way for me to ease into running, and I really enjoyed the steady improvements I made each week. Then life happened, my schedule got derailed, and it became much harder to motivate myself to run.

Fast forward- I now want to get back into running so I can be healthier, have an outlet for my job stress, focus on something other than missing my husband, and finally run a 5K. The biggest problem now is starting! I'm pretty sure everyone gets into that "I'll start tomorrow" mentality at some point. Right? Pushing past it is sometimes more difficult than the task on the other side, so I decided to take a new approach and start at the end instead of the beginning this time. 

I woke up yesterday morning and the opportunity I needed was there, so I made a quick phone call and ran a 5K less than 2 hours later. My very first one! A $5 St. Patrick's Day run on base had been postponed due to snow. They let me run with everybody for free (no t-shirt or fancy number) so I was able to get the racing introduction I was looking for. : ) 

Time: 33:23
I feel pretty good about my time considering how long it has been since I have done much more than short sprints or light jogging. Running totally sucked, and I am super sore, but I will be racing again at the end of April and my new goal is to get my time down to 30 minutes. How do you get/stay motivated?


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